Thursday, November 20, 2008

Going Private

For all of my Family and close personal friends I am going private in a new blog. I will keep this blog for my journey to health and any other non personal things I want to blog about.

I made the new blog so check your email for your invitation. If you didn't get an invite and feel you should, well then you probably should have. I am sorry to have missed you. Please email me or leave a comment and I will send you an invite.

I want to be able to write more about my kids and at the same time feel more secure to share more pictures and personal information. It will be fun to see how this works out. I know going private is hard for the people wanting to look. It can be a pain to log in, but I think this is best for my family.

1 comment:

kjera said...

hey cute background you have good taste!!! :)